March 2021 Lunch Meeting

Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Happy Hollow Club
Speaker: Catherine N. Swiniarski JD

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Attend in-person or online. 


11:30 AM - Lunch & Networking (for in-person attendees)
**online attendees are welcome to login at 11:30 for virtual networking with other online attendees
12:00 PM - Meeting & Program

Medicaid 101 presented by Catherine N. Swiniarski JD

This program offers one hour of credit for NE & IA  Legal, CFP, NE Life Insurance and Accounting (pending approvals). General certificate of attendance offered for self-reporting additional designations. 

Register online or contact Stacie Sarasio at 402.210.9446

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